
Bio Box tree Moth Free Plus (10 pc)

Parasitoid wasps for biological control of box tree moths

Twice a year, around May and August, box tree moths lay their eggs on box trees. The catterpillars that hatch will start feeding on the leaves and stems, leaving silk webbings all over the box trees. The catterpillars are aproximately 4cm long and have a yellow/brown-ish colour with black stripes and dots. When the moths are present or the first catterpillars are observed you can release small parasitoid wasps to combat this pest. The wasps only measure a few mm and are completely harmless for humans and other animals. They reproduce by parasitizing the eggs of the box tree moths due to which no catterpillars will hatch. The parasitoid wasps are supplied in small spheres that can simply be placed near the centre of the box tree. Upon hatching they will leave the sphere and start looking for eggs to parasitize. 

Use one sphere per freestanding box tree or per 5m2. This product contains 10 spheres which is enough for 10 freestanding trees or a total area of 50m2. 

The spheres have a very limited shelf life and we recommend to use them immediately upon receipt. If necessary they can be stored for several days at 5-8C. 



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